Cat Pose
How do you do Cat Pose?
Begin on your hands and knees with your palms flat on the mat. Make sure your wrists are below your shoulders and your knees are below your hips.
On an exhale, round your spine toward the ceiling. With your shoulders and knees in proper positioning, pull your belly in, draw your chin toward your chest and press into the palms of your hands. Inhale and return to the neutral position on your hands and knees.
How do you modify Cat Pose?
Cat Pose for Weak Wrists
What are the benefits of Cat Pose?
Back Strength
Back Stretch
‘Cat-Cow Tilts’ are a great way for beginners to start connecting breath to movement.
From Tabletop pose, inhale to lower the belly and lift the chest for ‘Cow’ and exhale as you round the spine and pull the belly in. Move through a few rounds with your breath, focusing on lengthening and expanding the breath each time.
Courtney Enright,Studio Three in Chicago